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b2b near florence

How to reach us

From Florence: Highway A1- exit Barberino del Mugello. Follow direction Borgo S.Lorenzo then continue for Faenza-Palazzuolo sul Senio (provincial road 477 Alpe di Casaglia) reaching Colla Pass, keep Palazzuolo sul Senio direction, then you’ll reach Sambuca Pass, descending towards Palazzuolo (about 6kms) on the left side of the roadway you’ll find the farmhouse entrance.

From Bologna: Highway A14- exit Imola. Follow direction Rimini –Via Emilia until you reach the town of Castel Bolognese. Take the turn off for Riolo Terme-Firenze (provincial road 306) pass through Riolo Terme then Casola Valsenio, proceed until Palazzuolo sul Senio. Follow the sign for Borgo S.Lorenzo, after 3kms on the right side of the road you’ll find the farmhouse entrance.  

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